Welcome to Divrei Chizuk! Bringing the Bais HaMikdash down 1 brick+ at a time

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Please help with your heartfelt sposorship, or to host a thank you event  as we are together will be helping Klal Yisrael all over the world,
and bringing the Bais HaMikdash down 1 brick+ at a time.
This will be added to your portfolio in olam habah
Tizku Lmitzvos, May Hashem shine on you His chesed and answer all your heartfelt bakashos hakol ltov. Amen!!!
Tizku L'Mitzvos! (liluy nishamas,refuah shliema, yeshuos, bracha vhatzlacha).



Shalom and thank you. Divrei Chizuk and the virtual grattitude center b'chasdei Hashem run many campaigns to help Klal Yisrael find Hashem and sing His thank You praises. One of the many campaigns we run is the Ein Od Milvado magnet. They are so much in demand especially now, B”H, that I am out of them. I have to re order that cost about $1.00 each magnet including shipping. If u can help as there  is a limit of 1000 magnets at a time. Or if u want to host a ''thank You Hashem event at your house, or put one together so we can raise money for this campaign and others that we have, would be great :-) Please take a moment and read B and C also, and see the ads we are placing to help Klal Yisrael with shalom bais, how to find Hashem in our life, not giving hope c'v, singing Hashem's praises and being thankful by seeing all the chesed He shines on us.
Hosting an event would be like a parlor meeting a sit down around the table, I would come and give a gratitude shiur that changed my life(not long) and talk about the Ein Od Milvado what rav chaim Volozhin teaches and other campaigns Divrei Chizuk and the virtual Gratitude Center run, as we help yidden around the world find Hashem in their life, not giving up hope c”v by seeing the yad Hashem, including Hashem in our life and what being thankful does. Divrei Chizuk is a 501c3 and people can make checks out to Divrei Chizuk. Tizku lmitzvos let me know of that works for u. Please email us at divreichizuk1@aol.com if intrested or make your heartfelt donation today.

Bracha VHatzlacha
Eli Nasson
Tizku Lmitzvos, May Hashem shine on you His chesed and answer all your heartfelt bakashos hakol ltov. Amen!!!
Tizku L'Mitzvos! (liluy nishamas,refuah shliema, yeshuos, bracha vhatzlacha).

We also accept chase Quick Pay  
our email is divreichizuk1@aol.com
Tizku Lmitzvos. 
For credit cards-Click here fill out info ONLY ONCE and we will process
or click on 
TIZKU L'Mitzvos
Please take a moment and sign our guest book.

Or you can send a check to:
 Divrei Chizuk
83-21 125th st.
Kew Gardens N.Y. 11415

 Mitzvah Gedolah Have a portion In your Olam Habah portfolio. 

Divrei Chizuk 100% Guarantees Happiness and living b'simcha by finding Hashem in your life

and seeing His involvement in your life 24/7


We need help getting the word out. Any one who would like to help sponsor, liuly nishmas, refuah, bracha vhatzlacha, this program. 
As these ads B'chasdei Hashem, being advertised in many magazines and newspapers.
Email/text/call "help sponsor" or leave a message 347-846-8085, divreichizuk1@aol.com

We also accept chase Quick Pay  
our email is divreichizuk1@aol.com
Tizku Lmitzvos. 
For credit cards-Click here fill out info ONLY ONCE and we will process
or click on 
TIZKU L'Mitzvos
Please take a moment and sign our guest book.

Or you can send a check to:
 Divrei Chizuk
83-21 125th st.
Kew Gardens N.Y. 11415

Bchasdi Hashem we run many campaigns to help Klal Yisrael. Choose one or more when you make your heartfelt donation. Please also include name of person and reason you are making a heartfelt donation for. (EVERYTHING GOES BY MOTHER'S NAME AND FOR LILUY NISHMAS BY FATHER'S NAME)
Feel free to call?text/email for more info. 347-846-8085 divreichizuk1@aol.com


Please, Talk in Shul 

Food for Shabbos

Food for Chagim

Childrens Clothes for Chagim.

Parnes HaYom prgram of our joint Kolel in Israel learning/davening for you

Children learning mishnayas for you

150 children saying Tehillim for you

40 children learning b'simcha for you

Clothes for Chasan/Kalah

Ein Od Milvado 

Almanos chizuk 



Coats for the winter

40 days Tfillah at the Kotel

Mishnayos program

Evening Kolel

Purim Program

Shoes for children

Tehillim programs

Positive Reinforcement Program

We also accept chase Quick Pay  
our email is divreichizuk1@aol.com
Tizku Lmitzvos. 
For credit cards-Click here fill out info ONLY ONCE and we will process
or click on 
TIZKU L'Mitzvos
Please take a moment and sign our guest book.


Or you can send a check to:
 Divrei Chizuk
83-21 125th st.
Kew Gardens N.Y. 11415